Begin VB.Form Form1 
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         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
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      Begin VB.Label labObj 
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         Caption         =   "***"
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      Begin VB.Label Label14 
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "Best Objective:"
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      BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
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         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
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         Caption         =   "***"
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            Size            =   8.25
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      Begin VB.Label labInt 
         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "***"
         BeginProperty Font 
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         Height          =   255
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         Width           =   1300
      Begin VB.Label labCon 
         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "***"
         BeginProperty Font 
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         Width           =   1300
      Begin VB.Label Label10 
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "Nonzeros:"
         BeginProperty Font 
            Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
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         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.Label Label9 
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "Integers:"
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            Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
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         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.Label Label8 
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "Constraints:"
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         Caption         =   "***"
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         Width           =   1300
      Begin VB.Label Label6 
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "Variables:"
         BeginProperty Font 
            Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
            Size            =   8.25
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         TabIndex        =   10
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         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.Label Label5 
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
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   Begin VB.Frame Frame1 
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      Begin VB.Label Label2 
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "Build date:"
         BeginProperty Font 
            Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
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         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.Label Label1 
         BackColor       =   &H0080C0FF&
         Caption         =   "Version:"
         BeginProperty Font 
            Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
            Size            =   8.25
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         Width           =   615
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdQuit 
      Caption         =   "Quit"
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   8.25
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         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   615
      Left            =   4200
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   5040
      Width           =   1335
   Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 
      Caption         =   "Solve"
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   8.25
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   400
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
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      Width           =   1335
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
''    LINDO API Version 2.0
''    Copyright (c) 2000-2003
''    LINDO Systems, Inc.            312.988.7422
''    1415 North Dayton St.
''    Chicago, IL 60622    
'  A VB programming example of interfacing with the
'  LINDO API using external input files.
'      1. Create a LINDO environment.
'      2. Create a iModel in the environment.
'      3. Read the iModel from an input file.
'      4. Perform the optimization.
'      5. Retrieve the solution.
'      6. Delete the LINDO environment.
' Modified 12-11-2003 (MKA)

Option Explicit

Private Type UserData
    flgMIP As Long
End Type
Private Sub Command1_Click()

  Dim iEnv As Long
  Dim iModel As Long
  Dim InputFile As String
  Dim errorcode As Long
  Dim obj As Double
  Dim x() As Double
  Dim LicenseKey As String * LS_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH
  Dim szVarName As String * 255
  Dim szConName As String * 255
  Dim szTitle As String * 255
  Dim szObjName As String * 255
  'Dim achConNames() As String * 255
  'Dim achVarNames() As String * 255
  Dim nVars As Long
  Dim nCons As Long
  Dim nCont As Long
  Dim nNonz As Long
  Dim nStatus As Long
  Dim j As Long
  Dim myData As UserData
  'Step 0: init global variables and retrieve license string
  iEnv = 0
  iModel = 0
  errorcode = LSloadLicenseString("\lindoapi\license\license.h", LicenseKey)
  If (errorcode > 0) Then
      Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
  End If

  'Step 1:  Create a LINDO environment using LicenseKey.
  iEnv = LScreateEnv(errorcode, LicenseKey)
  If (errorcode > 0) Then
     MsgBox ("Unable to create environment.")
  End If
  'Step 2:  Create a iModel in the environment.
  iModel = LScreateModel(iEnv, errorcode)
  Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
  'Step 3:  Read the iModel and get iModel size.
  InputFile = Text1.Text
  errorcode = LSreadMPSFile(iModel, InputFile, LS_UNFORMATTED_MPS)
  Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
  errorcode = LSgetInfo(iModel, LS_IINFO_NUM_VARS, nVars)
  Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
  errorcode = LSgetInfo(iModel, LS_IINFO_NUM_CONS, nCons)
  Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
  errorcode = LSgetInfo(iModel, LS_IINFO_NUM_NONZ, nNonz)
  Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
  errorcode = LSgetInfo(iModel, LS_IINFO_NUM_CONT, nCont)
  labVar = nVars
  labCon = nCons
  labNonz = nNonz
  labInt = nVars - nCont
  cmdQuit.Caption = "Interrupt"
  'ReDim achConNames(nCons) As String * 255
  'ReDim achVarNames(nVars) As String * 255
  ' Invoke the MIP Solver
  If nCont < nVars Then
        ' Remove comments or add more as needed
        errorcode = LSsetModelDouParameter(iModel, LS_DPARAM_CALLBACKFREQ, 2)
        'errorcode = LSsetModelDouParameter(iModel, LS_DPARAM_MIP_OPTTOL, 0.5)
        'errorcode = LSsetModelIntParameter(iModel,LS_IPARAM_MIP_TOPOPT,1)
        'errorcode = LSsetModelIntParameter(iModel,LS_IPARAM_MIP_PRELEVEL,0)
        'errorcode = LSsetModelIntParameter(iModel,LS_IPARAM_MIP_ITRLIM,100)
        'errorcode = LSsetModelIntParameter(iModel,LS_IPARAM_NLP_ITRLMT,2000)
        'errorcode = LSsetModelIntParameter(iModel,LS_IPARAM_SPLEX_ITRLMT,2000)

        'MsgBox ("Reading MIP done..." & vbCrLf & "Click OK to solve")
        myData.flgMIP = True
        'Set callback function
        errorcode = LSsetCallback(iModel, AddressOf GeneralCallback, myData)
        ' Step 4:  Perform MIP optimization.
        errorcode = LSsolveMIP(iModel, nStatus)
        Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
        ' Step 5:  If optimal, retrieve the solution.
        If (nStatus = LS_STATUS_OPTIMAL Or _
            nStatus = LS_STATUS_FEASIBLE Or _
            nStatus = LS_STATUS_BASIC_OPTIMAL) Then
            'Get the objective value and primals
            errorcode = LSgetInfo(iModel, LS_DINFO_MIP_OBJ, obj)
            Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
            ReDim x(nVars)
            errorcode = LSgetMIPPrimalSolution(iModel, x(0))
            Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
        End If
  ' Invoke the LP Solver
        'MsgBox ("Reading LP done..." & vbCrLf & "Click OK to solve")
        ' Remove comments or add more as needed
        errorcode = LSsetModelDouParameter(iModel, LS_DPARAM_CALLBACKFREQ, 1)
        'Set callback function
        errorcode = LSsetCallback(iModel, AddressOf GeneralCallback, myData)
        cmdQuit.Caption = "Interrupt"
        ' Step 4:  Perform the optimization.
        errorcode = LSoptimize(iModel, LS_METHOD_PSIMPLEX, nStatus)
        Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
        ' Step 5:  If optimal, retrieve the solution.
        If (nStatus = LS_STATUS_OPTIMAL Or _
            nStatus = LS_STATUS_FEASIBLE Or _
            nStatus = LS_STATUS_BASIC_OPTIMAL) Then
            'Get the objective value and primals
            errorcode = LSgetInfo(iModel, LS_DINFO_POBJ, obj)
            Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
            ReDim x(nVars)
            errorcode = LSgetPrimalSolution(iModel, x(0))
            Call CheckErr(iEnv, errorcode)
        End If
  End If
  cmdQuit.Caption = "Quit"
  MsgBox ("Best objective value: " & obj)
  'errorcode = LSgetNameData(iModel, szTitle, szObjName, _
  '            vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNullString, _
  '            vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNullString, _
  '            vbNullString)
  'For j = 0 To nVars - 1
  '  errorcode = LSgetVariableNamej(iModel, j, szVarName)
  '  Debug.Print (szVarName)
  '  Debug.Print (x(j))
  'Next j
  ' errorcode = LSsetModelIntParameter(iModel, LS_IPARAM_SOL_REPORT_STYLE, 1)
  ' errorcode = LSwriteSolution(iModel, "out_1.txt")
   errorcode = LSsetModelIntParameter(iModel, LS_IPARAM_SOL_REPORT_STYLE, 0)
   errorcode = LSwriteSolution(iModel, "out_0.txt")
  'Step 6: Delete the LINDO environment.
  Call LSdeleteEnv(iEnv)

End Sub

Public Sub CheckErr(iEnv As Long, errorcode As Long)

' Checks for an error condition.  If one exists, the
'  error message is displayed then the application
'  terminates.

   If (errorcode > 0) Then
      Dim Message As String
      Message = String(LS_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH, _
      errorcode = LSgetErrorMessage(iEnv, errorcode, Message)
      MsgBox (Message)
   End If
End Sub

Public Sub cmdQuit_Click()
    Unload Form1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim errorcode As Long
    Dim szVersion As String * 255
    Dim szBuiltOn As String * 255
    '' display Lindo API version
    Call LSgetVersionInfo(szVersion, szBuiltOn)
    Label3.Caption = szVersion
    Label4.Caption = szBuiltOn
    Text1.Text = "\lindoapi\samples\mps\bm23.mps"
End Sub